This post is originally from my blog that I kept while I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bulgaria and was originally posted on 31 March 2007. There have been several "discoveries" in the search for the Clinton-Wolfe family since then, which I've posted. Just moving it from that blog since I've made it private and the post is genealogy-related. Just a few more pics from the Clinton-Wolfe Family.
Mary West Wolfe:Charles E. Clinton/David W. Wolfe's mother. Date of picture unknown. Taken in Lewes, Sussex Co., DE. Reece Beckett Wolfe:Grandpa Clinton's father. Same info as above. I found both of these photos tucked away in an old cedar box (small box) at my grandmother's house about 10 years ago or so. No one remembered seeing them before then. The box had been Belle Clinton's before she died. Nellie & Dessie Wolfe: I don't know which child is which but these are Grandpa & Grandma Clinton's first 2 children. The picture tells the tale:This likely would have been taken in Texas or Oklahoma, more likely in Texas. Charles & Belle Clinton:As members of the Salvation Army in California, likely taken in the 1920s.
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