Pages 7-9 from the letter dated 13 Nov. 1920, likely written by Ida Benton Lester Ponder.
part I &
part II for first 6 pages and more of an explanation. Below are the scans & text for pages 7-9
with him. They told him he had indigestion & wrote to his Dr I n Waynesboro that they couldnt do anything for him[.] said it was in his blood, so I dont think he has ever realized what a bad fix he was in. It seems that one trouble right after another comes in our family[.] now we have one consolation if we would think about in[inserted][.] the bible says The Lord chasteneth[sic] those that he loves. Well I will change this sad subject & write about something else. The Boll weevill[sic] is here now & cut crops short so
you dont hear any thing talked about now but hard times[.] just lots of people didnt make a third of a crop[.] we havent made any thing evey[sic] one of our hands came out in debt not able to pay for what we advance for them[.] cotton is so low every body that can is holding what little they made for a better price[.] we havent sold any[.] I havent bought me one thing but a ginghams dress[.] the merchants are feeling it too[.]they are not doing much business. We are having bad luck on every side this year[.] we lost all our hogs but one with cholera, will have to
Buy most of our meat & lard next year. Hog cholera went through this county this summer[.] I heard of so many losing their hogs. I have some nice turnips in my garden & some pretty collards. They are the white Georgia collard[.] Some of them looks ^like [carroted in] they are beginning to head up. We dug our potatoes today a week ago made two nice banks which is not as many as we had last winter but it will be plenty for us. Well I didnt get very many of my chickens to eat after all they kept disappearing & found out that
Pg 10-12 to follow
Merry Christmas!
24 December 2008
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